We value the support we receive from our communities. Your tax-deductible donation helps us expand the supports and services we offer while bringing a smile to many faces.
Donations can be made to purchase a specific item from the list below or a to be used as needed by the organization. Either way, please know your kindness is appreciated.

Craft kit – $50
- All the supplies for a craft project (led by a staff member) for 2 individuals

Baking kit – $50
- All the ingredients and supplies needed for a group baking lesson, supported by staff

Sunday dinner – $100
- All the ingredients to serve 2 individuals and support staff a Sunday dinner with leftovers for the week.

Gardening kit – $250
- Who doesn’t love a beautiful garden?
- This kit includes the plants, materials and gardening supplies to help individuals create their own garden

iPad – $1,000
- With a move to a virtual world, we are in need of new technology to keep individuals connected
- Your donation helps us purchase an iPad, cover and keyboard

Patio furniture – $2,000
- With all this extra time individuals are spending at home; we are looking for ways to brighten up their outside living space
- Your donation helps individuals purchase the items they need to enjoy their yard

Patio Replacement – $5,000
- A deck was removed at one of our homes due to health and safety reasons. Unfortunately, this means the individuals we support have lost their valued outdoor living space. We are seeking in-kind or monetary donations to create a new patio so the individuals can enjoy their backyard over the summer months.